“Bleau” originated from a soul that has arisen from a passion for the rock in the forests of Fontainebleau, one of the most famous boulder areas in the south of Paris. This epic silence, this feeling of being one with the beautiful nature, characterized by ferns, birches, pines, oaks and beeches. Time to spend in the midst of it with unique sand dunes, grey sandstone and structures that only exist here.
Mesmerizing boulder blocks, that demand everything I have to give and that gave me a sense of humility.
The Forest of Fontainebleau became part of my self. It became a place that feels like a home that you never want to leave again. An area that has taught me that dreams are there to be lived and to do anything for those dreams.
Fontainebleau is the cradle of bouldering. Here, where the most beautiful sport and the most beautiful spot on earth create a synergy, which is felt only when you are quiet and listen.
Bleau Boulderwear is a heartfelt homage to a place full of magic.

Bleau Story
Easter 2016, the story of “Bleau” begins.
When I first visited the forest of Fontainebleau, a passion I had never experienced before in my life came over me, and has ever since not let me go. From that moment on, my goal was to create a boulder clothing brand that carries the name of the world’s most beautiful bouldering area, as well as its magic and authenticity. Since I am not a businessman and had no prior experience in any entrepreneurial ventures whatsoever, this idea was almost hopeless. But the love for Fontainebleau and bouldering gave me the strength and confidence to take on this stony path. I do not regret this decision on any day and I kept on tackling every challenge that was thrown at me.
After more than two years, I can now introduce my first small collection, which could meet my very strict expectations: A high standard of quality, the practical benefits of bouldering, a beautiful straightforward design, as well as sustainability through production in Europe and the deliberate selection of suppliers and their products are essential components of the brand “Bleau”.
I hope my passion that lives through my clothing collection can reach you and give you unforgettable bouldering and climbing sessions!
Stefan Leitner, CEO